About Me
…Nice to meet you, I’m Katy!
As a former athlete, I have studied diet all my life. But I did not learn how to nourish my body or care for it. Only how to perform and push my body to its limits. How to nurture and care for my body for wellness or health? That information did not exist. It was the “feel the burn“ era. All I really knew was how to eat to lose weight or compete. I was taught to do the opposite of listening to my body.
But after years of struggling with my own health, probably because of what I learned early on, I ultimately developed an autoimmune disease, acquiring many diagnoses along the way. One day I decided enough was enough. I had not always been this sick and I knew I could be healthy again. I decided I had to take a different approach. I started to study nutrition not just as a way to fuel my body or lose weight, but as a way to heal it. I learned to nourish my body and mind, using food, sleep, and movement as medicine.
My experience was doctors shrugged off my symptoms because they were unable to see the connections. Some even told me it was all in my head and I needed to see a psychiatrist. Hearing I was crazy was a low point for me. Often anxiety and depression accompany the autoimmune disease, I knew I was not crazy, but yes, I was depressed about the state of my health. I went from being a busy high school/college athlete to a near bed-ridden Mom, with brain fog so bad I could barely hold a job. The specialized doctors I saw only treated symptoms with medication and did not have a complete picture of my health, and in many cases ended up doing more harm than good.
For the past 8 years, I have relentlessly studied this area of autoimmunity and health. I went back to school for training and certifications. I learned how to listen to the signals my body was giving me and how to heal. Now my mission is to help other women learn how to listen to their bodies, and know how to nourish and heal themselves. I started my business after everyone I knew started asking me how I healed my body because they were having similar issues
It takes a person an average of 8-10 years to get a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. Until you get a diagnosis it is almost impossible to heal. It took my doctors 15 years to finally get to the root cause of my health issues.
If you are wondering what my health journey entailed here are some of my diagnoses/issues: Allergies, chronic bronchitis, migraines, TMJ, Endometriosis, several chronic infections-(which took a year or more on medications to resolve), Depression, Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, ADHD, Exercise intolerance, General Sleep disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Hysterectomy, slow healing from surgeries and encouraged to take a permanent disability rating from a work injury, referred to a psychiatrist because what you eat does not affect your health, Food Sensitivities, lastly Hashitmoto’s-Autoimmune Hypothyroidism.